Results for 'Mark Allen Berkson'

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  1. Mark Lewis.Mark Lewis & Karen Allen (eds.) - 2006 - Liverpool University Press.
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    An Interview with Mark Kleiman.Mark Allen Kleiman - 1999 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 1 (2):17-22.
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  3. Hebrews 10:19-25.Mark Allen Peters - 1999 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 53 (1):62-64.
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  4. Numbers 35:9–34.Mark Allen Peters - 2000 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 54 (1):60-62.
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    Conceptions of self/no‐self and modes of connection comparative soteriological structures in classical chinese thought.Mark A. Berkson - 2005 - Journal of Religious Ethics 33 (2):293-331.
    This essay examines the ways that the terms "self and "no-self can illuminate the views of classical Chinese thinkers, particularly Confucians such as Confucius, Mencius, and Xunzi, and the Daoist thinker Zhuangzi. In particular, the use of the term "no-self" to describe Zhuangzi's position is defended. The concepts of self and no-self are analyzed in relation to other terms within the thinkers' "concept clusters" - specifically temporality, nature, and social roles - and suggestions are given for constructing typologies that sort (...)
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    The Oxford Handbook of Mystical Theology.Edward Howells & Mark Allen McIntosh (eds.) - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
    This collection provides a guide to the mystical element of Christianity as a theological phenomenon. Part I offers a historical overview. Part II considers sources and practices of mystical theology. Part III examines conceptualities of mystical thought. Part IV explores contributions of mystical teaching to theology and metaphysics.
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    The Struggle to Constitute and Sustain Productive Orders: Vincent Ostrom's Quest to Understand Human Affairs.Mark Sproule-Jones, Barbara Allen & Filippo Sabetti (eds.) - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    This book identifies the criteria for successful constitutions in both theory and practice using the research and methodology of Vincent Ostrom.
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    Death in Ancient Chinese Thought: What Confucians and Daoists Can Teach Us About Living and Dying Well.Mark Berkson - 2019 - In Timothy D. Knepper, Lucy Bregman & Mary Gottschalk, Death and Dying : An Exercise in Comparative Philosophy of Religion. Springer Verlag. pp. 11-38.
    The foundational texts of the classical period of Confucianism and Daoism contain virtually no discussion of post-death existence or the nature of the afterlife. At the same time, these traditions devote significant attention to the ways death and loss impact our lives. Confucian texts such as the Analects of Confucius and the Xunzi, as well as the distinctive, profoundly influential writings of the Daoist Zhuangzi, contain teachings and stories about people facing their own deaths and dealing with the deaths of (...)
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    Death in the Zhuangzi.Mark Berkson - 2011 - In Amy Olberding & Ivanhoe Philip J., Mortality in Traditional Chinese Thought. Albany: SUNY Press. pp. 191-224.
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    Buddhist-Christian Dialogue: Promises and Pitfalls.Mark Berkson - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):181-186.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Dialogue: Promises and PitfallsMark BerksonThe Center for the Pacific Rim and the University of San Francisco hosted a conference on Buddhist-Christian Dialogue on May 8, 1998. The conference brought together scholars and practitioners of both traditions in an encounter that was not only academically stimulating, but also personally and spiritually enriching for those involved. The participants included both those who have had extensive experience in the dialogue, as (...)
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    Trajectories of Chinese Religious Ethics.Mark Berkson - 2005 - In William Schweiker, The Blackwell companion to religious ethics. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 305--405.
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    Teaching Religion and Upholding Academic Freedom.Betsy Barre, Mark Berkson, Diana Fritz Cates, Stewart Clem, Simeon O. Ilesanmi, Thomas A. Lewis, Charles Mathewes, James McCarty, Irene Oh, Atalia Omer, Laurie L. Patton & Kayla Renee Wheeler - 2023 - Journal of Religious Ethics 51 (2):343-373.
    The editors of the JRE collected short essays from scholars of religion in response to a recent incident at Hamline University that made national headlines. Last fall, Hamline University administrators refused to extend a contract to an adjunct professor of art history after a Muslim student accused her of Islamophobia for showing a 14th‐century image of Mohammad in an online class. The event provoked intense conversations about issues of academic freedom, religious diversity, the status of contingent faculty, and race. These (...)
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    Anthropos and ethics categories of inquiry and procedures of comparison.Thomas A. Lewis, Jonathan Wyn Schofer, Aaron Stalnaker & Mark A. Berkson - 2005 - Journal of Religious Ethics 33 (2):177-185.
    Building on influential work in virtue ethics, this collection of essays examines the categories of self, person, and anthropology as foci for comparative analysis. The papers unite reflections on theory and method with descriptive work that addresses thinkers from the modern West, Christian and Jewish Late Antiquity, early China, and other settings. The introduction sets out central methodological issues that are subsequently taken up in each essay, including the origin of the categories through which comparison proceeds, the status of these (...)
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    Understanding Sustainability Through the Lens of Ecocentric Radical-Reflexivity: Implications for Management Education.Stephen Allen, Ann L. Cunliffe & Mark Easterby-Smith - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (3):781-795.
    This paper seeks to contribute to the debate around sustainability by proposing the need for an ecocentric stance to sustainability that reflexively embeds humans in—rather than detached from—nature. We argue that this requires a different way of thinking about our relationship with our world, necessitating a engagement with the sociomaterial world in which we live. We develop the notion of ecocentrism by drawing on insights from sociomateriality studies, and show how radical-reflexivity enables us to appreciate our embeddedness and responsibility for (...)
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    The Usefulness of Social Norm Theory in Empirical Business Ethics Research: A Review and Suggestions for Future Research.Allen D. Blay, Eric S. Gooden, Mark J. Mellon & Douglas E. Stevens - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (1):191-206.
    In response to recent calls to extend the underlying theories used in the literature :375–413, 2005; Craft in J Bus Ethics 117:221–259, 2013), we review the usefulness of social norm theory in empirical business ethics research. We begin by identifying the seeds of social norm theory in Adam Smith’s The Theory of Moral Sentiments, the Glasgow Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1759/1790) seminal work, The Theory of Moral Sentiments. Next, we introduce recent theory in social norm activation by Bicchieri and (...)
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  16. Animal consciousness.Colin Allen & Mark Bekoff - 2007 - In Max Velmans & Susan Schneider, The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Theological Voices in Medical Ethics.Mark J. Hanson, Allen Verhey & Stephen E. Lammers - 1994 - Hastings Center Report 24 (3):46.
    Book reviewed in this article: Theological Voices in Medical Ethics. Edited by Allen Verhey and Stephen E. Lammers.
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  18. Reef fishes of the East Indies.Gerald R. Allen, Mark V. Erdmann, John E. Randall, Patrick Ching, Mark J. Rauzon, Leslie Ann Hayashi, M. D. Thomas, D. R. Robertson, Leighton Taylor & Marion Coste - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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    In Passing.Garland Allen, Mark Barrow, Jane Maienschein & Everett Mendelsohn - 2002 - Journal of the History of Biology 35 (2):iv-iv.
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  20. Morphology: The internal structure of words.Mark Allen & William Badecker - 2001 - In Brenda Rapp, The Handbook of Cognitive Neuropsychology: What Deficits Reveal About the Human Mind. Psychology Press/Taylor & Francis. pp. 211--232.
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    You can't get there from here: Foundationalism and development.Jedediah Wp Allen & Mark H. Bickhard - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (3):124-125.
    The thesis of our commentary is that the framework used to address what are taken by Carey to be the open issues is highly problematic. The presumed necessity of an innate stock of representational primitives fails to account for the emergence of representation out of a nonrepresentational base. This failure manifests itself in problematic ways throughout Carey's book.
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    Effect of delayed conditioned stimulus termination on extinction of an avoidance response following different termination conditions during acquisition.Allen C. Israel, Vernon T. Devine, Margaret A. O'Dea & Mark E. Hamdi - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (2):360.
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    The Oxford Handbook of Environmental Ethics.Stephen Mark Gardiner & Allen Thompson (eds.) - 2015 - Oxford University Press USA.
    A cutting-edge introduction to environmental ethics in a time of dramatic global environmental change, this collection contains forty-five newly commissioned articles, with contributions from well-established experts and emerging voices in the field.
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    Can Social Norm Activation Improve Audit Quality? Evidence from an Experimental Audit Market.Douglas E. Stevens, Mark J. Mellon, Eric S. Gooden & Allen D. Blay - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (2):513-530.
    We assert that audit quality can be improved to the extent that social norms for honesty and responsibility are activated in the auditor. To test this assertion, we use an experimental audit market setting found in the literature and manipulate factors expected to activate honesty and responsibility norms in the auditor. We find that auditor misreporting is reduced when the investor is another participant in the experiment rather than computer simulated, and thus, the interests of third-party investors are salient to (...)
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    Comment: Measurement and the Interpretation of Trait EI Research.Sylvain Laborde & Mark S. Allen - 2016 - Emotion Review 8 (4):342-343.
    In this brief commentary, we present a critical reflection on trait emotional intelligence (EI) theory and research as covered in a recent narrative review (Petrides et al., 2016). We consider (a) whether synthesising research findings that use different conceptualisations of EI is desirable, (b) if the measurement of trait EI might become more diverse, (c) whether trait EI research in interpersonal settings requires additional analytical thought, and (d) how researchers might go about objectively conceptualising trait EI. Our collective focus is (...)
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  26. EEG Correlates of Involuntary Cognitions in the Reflexive Imagery Task.Wei Dou, Allison K. Allen, Hyein Cho, Sabrina Bhangal, Alexander J. Cook, Ezequiel Morsella & Mark W. Geisler - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:499530.
    The Reflexive Imagery Task (RIT) reveals that the activation of sets can result in involuntary cognitions that are triggered by external stimuli. In the basic RIT, subjects are presented with an image of an object (e.g., CAT) and instructed to not think of the name of the object. Involuntary subvocalizations of the name (the RIT effect) arise on roughly 80% of the trials. We conducted an electroencephalography (EEG) study to explore the neural correlates of the RIT effect. Subjects were presented (...)
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    Cognitive Offloading: Structuring the Environment to Improve Children's Working Memory Task Performance.Ed D. J. Berry, Richard J. Allen, Mark Mon-Williams & Amanda H. Waterman - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (8):e12770.
    Research has shown that adults can engage in cognitive offloading, whereby internal processes are offloaded onto the environment to help task performance. Here, we investigate an application of this approach with children, in particular children with poor working memory. Participants were required to remember and recall sequences of colors by placing colored blocks in the correct serial order. In one condition the blocks were arranged to facilitate cognitive offloading (i.e., grouped by color), whereas in the other condition they were arranged (...)
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    The Idea of the American University.John Agresto, William B. Allen, Michael P. Foley, Gary D. Glenn, Susan E. Hanssen, Mark C. Henrie, Peter Augustine Lawler, William Mathie, James V. Schall, Bradley C. S. Watson & Peter Wood (eds.) - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    As John Henry Newman reflected on 'The Idea of a University' more than a century and a half ago, Bradley C. S. Watson brings together some of the nation's most eminent thinkers on higher education to reflect on the nature and purposes of the American university today. Their mordant reflections paint a picture of the American university in crisis. This book is essential reading for thoughtful citizens, scholars, and educational policymakers.
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    320 index.Aw Moore, John Allen Paulos, Ad Irvine, Brian Rotman, Mark Steiner & Neil Tennant - unknown - Philosophical Papers 1896 (99).
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    Motivational-general arousal imagery does not improve decision-making performance in elite endurance cyclists.David J. Spindler, Mark S. Allen, Stewart A. Vella & Christian Swann - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (5):1084-1093.
    ABSTRACTEmotions are predicted to influence judgement and decision-making across a range of performance contexts. This experiment tested whether motivational-general arousal imagery can improve the decision-making performance of elite endurance cyclists. In total, 54 cyclists were assigned to either a positive imagery condition or a negative imagery condition. The cyclists were read one of two scripts designed to elicit positive or negative images during a 20-min maximal sustainable interval on a cycle ergometer. A decision-making task was performed before and immediately after (...)
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    Modeling ethical attitudes and behaviors under conditions of environmental turbulence: The case of south Africa. [REVIEW]Michael H. Morris, Amy S. Marks, Jeffrey A. Allen & Newman S. Peery - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (10):1119 - 1130.
    This study explores the impact of environmental turbulence on relationships between personal and organizational characteristics, personal values, ethical perceptions, and behavioral intentions. A causal model is tested using data obtained from a national sample of marketing research professionals in South Africa. The findings suggest turbulent conditions lead professionals to report stronger values and ethical norms, but less ethical behavioral intentions. Implications are drawn for organizations confronting growing turbulence in their external environments. A number of suggestions are made for ongoing research.
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  32. Monetary Intelligence and Behavioral Economics: The Enron Effect—Love of Money, Corporate Ethical Values, Corruption Perceptions Index, and Dishonesty Across 31 Geopolitical Entities.Thomas Li-Ping Tang, Toto Sutarso, Mahfooz A. Ansari, Vivien K. G. Lim, Thompson S. H. Teo, Fernando Arias-Galicia, Ilya E. Garber, Randy Ki-Kwan Chiu, Brigitte Charles-Pauvers, Roberto Luna-Arocas, Peter Vlerick, Adebowale Akande, Michael W. Allen, Abdulgawi Salim Al-Zubaidi, Mark G. Borg, Bor-Shiuan Cheng, Rosario Correia, Linzhi Du, Consuelo Garcia de la Torre, Abdul Hamid Safwat Ibrahim, Chin-Kang Jen, Ali Mahdi Kazem, Kilsun Kim, Jian Liang, Eva Malovics, Alice S. Moreira, Richard T. Mpoyi, Anthony Ugochukwu Obiajulu Nnedum, Johnsto E. Osagie, AAhad M. Osman-Gani, Mehmet Ferhat Özbek, Francisco José Costa Pereira, Ruja Pholsward, Horia D. Pitariu, Marko Polic, Elisaveta Gjorgji Sardžoska, Petar Skobic, Allen F. Stembridge, Theresa Li-Na Tang, Caroline Urbain, Martina Trontelj, Luigina Canova, Anna Maria Manganelli, Jingqiu Chen, Ningyu Tang, Bolanle E. Adetoun & Modupe F. Adewuyi - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (4):919-937.
    Monetary intelligence theory asserts that individuals apply their money attitude to frame critical concerns in the context and strategically select certain options to achieve financial goals and ultimate happiness. This study explores the dark side of monetary Intelligence and behavioral economics—dishonesty. Dishonesty, a risky prospect, involves cost–benefit analysis of self-interest. We frame good or bad barrels in the environmental context as a proxy of high or low probability of getting caught for dishonesty, respectively. We theorize: The magnitude and intensity of (...)
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  33. Superdupersizing the mind: Extended cognition and the persistence of cognitive bloat.Sean Allen-Hermanson - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 164 (3):791-806.
    Extended Cognition (EC) hypothesizes that there are parts of the world outside the head serving as cognitive vehicles. One criticism of this controversial view is the problem of “cognitive bloat” which says that EC is too permissive and fails to provide an adequate necessary criterion for cognition. It cannot, for instance, distinguish genuine cognitive vehicles from mere supports (e.g. the Yellow Pages). In response, Andy Clark and Mark Rowlands have independently suggested that genuine cognitive vehicles are distinguished from supports (...)
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    The marks of the nail: a survey of the evidence for Christianity.Allen Quist - 1985 - Milwaukee, Wis.: Northwestern Pub. House.
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    Mark Johnston , Saving God: Religion after Idolatry . Reviewed by.Allen Stairs - 2012 - Philosophy in Review 32 (4):285-287.
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    Behavioral economics and monetary wisdom: A cross‐level analysis of monetary aspiration, pay (dis)satisfaction, risk perception, and corruption in 32 nations.Thomas Li-Ping Tang, Zhen Li, Mehmet Ferhat Özbek, Vivien K. G. Lim, Thompson S. H. Teo, Mahfooz A. Ansari, Toto Sutarso, Ilya Garber, Randy Ki-Kwan Chiu, Brigitte Charles-Pauvers, Caroline Urbain, Roberto Luna-Arocas, Jingqiu Chen, Ningyu Tang, Theresa Li-Na Tang, Fernando Arias-Galicia, Consuelo Garcia De La Torre, Peter Vlerick, Adebowale Akande, Abdulqawi Salim Al-Zubaidi, Ali Mahdi Kazem, Mark G. Borg, Bor-Shiuan Cheng, Linzhi Du, Abdul Hamid Safwat Ibrahim, Kilsun Kim, Eva Malovics, Richard T. Mpoyi, Obiajulu Anthony Ugochukwu Nnedum, Elisaveta Gjorgji Sardžoska, Michael W. Allen, Rosário Correia, Chin-Kang Jen, Alice S. Moreira, Johnston E. Osagie, AAhad M. Osman-Gani, Ruja Pholsward, Marko Polic, Petar Skobic, Allen F. Stembridge, Luigina Canova, Anna Maria Manganelli, Adrian H. Pitariu & Francisco José Costa Pereira - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (3):925-945.
    Corruption involves greed, money, and risky decision-making. We explore the love of money, pay satisfaction, probability of risk, and dishonesty across cultures. Avaricious monetary aspiration breeds unethicality. Prospect theory frames decisions in the gains-losses domain and high-low probability. Pay dissatisfaction (in the losses domain) incites dishonesty in the name of justice at the individual level. The Corruption Perceptions Index, CPI, signals a high-low probability of getting caught for dishonesty at the country level. We theorize that decision-makers adopt avaricious love-of-money aspiration (...)
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  37. On (not) defining cognition.Colin Allen - 2017 - Synthese 194 (11):4233-4249.
    Should cognitive scientists be any more embarrassed about their lack of a discipline-fixing definition of cognition than biologists are about their inability to define “life”? My answer is “no”. Philosophers seeking a unique “mark of the cognitive” or less onerous but nevertheless categorical characterizations of cognition are working at a level of analysis upon which hangs nothing that either cognitive scientists or philosophers of cognitive science should care about. In contrast, I advocate a pluralistic stance towards uses of the (...)
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  38. Monetary Intelligence and Behavioral Economics Across 32 Cultures: Good Apples Enjoy Good Quality of Life in Good Barrels.Thomas Li-Ping Tang, Toto Sutarso, Mahfooz A. Ansari, Vivien Kim Geok Lim, Thompson Sian Hin Teo, Fernando Arias-Galicia, Ilya E. Garber, Randy Ki-Kwan Chiu, Brigitte Charles-Pauvers, Roberto Luna-Arocas, Peter Vlerick, Adebowale Akande, Michael W. Allen, Abdulgawi Salim Al-Zubaidi, Mark G. Borg, Luigina Canova, Bor-Shiuan Cheng, Rosario Correia, Linzhi Du, Consuelo Garcia de la Torre, Abdul Hamid Safwat Ibrahim, Chin-Kang Jen, Ali Mahdi Kazem, Kilsun Kim, Jian Liang, Eva Malovics, Anna Maria Manganelli, Alice S. Moreira, Richard T. Mpoyi, Anthony Ugochukwu Obiajulu Nnedum, Johnsto E. Osagie, AAhad M. Osman-Gani, Mehmet Ferhat Özbek, Francisco José Costa Pereira, Ruja Pholsward, Horia D. Pitariu, Marko Polic, Elisaveta Gjorgji Sardžoska, Petar Skobic, Allen F. Stembridge, Theresa Li-Na Tang, Caroline Urbain, Martina Trontelj, Jingqiu Chen & Ningyu Tang - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (4):893-917.
    Monetary Intelligence theory asserts that individuals apply their money attitude to frame critical concerns in the context and strategically select certain options to achieve financial goals and ultimate happiness. This study explores the bright side of Monetary Intelligence and behavioral economics, frames money attitude in the context of pay and life satisfaction, and controls money at the macro-level and micro-level. We theorize: Managers with low love of money motive but high stewardship behavior will have high subjective well-being: pay satisfaction and (...)
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    Ethics of Consumption: The Good Life, Justice, and Global Stewardship.Luis A. Camacho, Colin Campbell, David A. Crocker, Eleonora Curlo, Herman E. Daly, Eliezer Diamond, Robert Goodland, Allen L. Hammond, Nathan Keyfitz, Robert E. Lane, Judith Lichtenberg, David Luban, James A. Nash, Martha C. Nussbaum, ThomasW Pogge, Mark Sagoff, Juliet B. Schor, Michael Schudson, Jerome M. Segal, Amartya Sen, Alan Strudler, Paul L. Wachtel, Paul E. Waggoner, David Wasserman & Charles K. Wilber (eds.) - 1997 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In this comprehensive collection of essays, most of which appear for the first time, eminent scholars from many disciplines—philosophy, economics, sociology, political science, demography, theology, history, and social psychology—examine the causes, nature, and consequences of present-day consumption patterns in the United States and throughout the world.
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    Sympathy in Perception, by Mark Eli Kalderon.Keith Allen - 2022 - Mind 131 (522):667-674.
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  41. Revelation and the Nature of Colour.Keith Allen - 2011 - Dialectica 65 (2):153-176.
    According to naïve realist (or primitivist) theories of colour, colours are sui generis mind-independent properties. The question that I consider in this paper is the relationship of naïve realism to what Mark Johnston calls Revelation, the thesis that the essential nature of colour is fully revealed in a standard visual experience. In the first part of the paper, I argue that if naïve realism is true, then Revelation is false. In the second part of the paper, I defend naïve (...)
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    Hugo De Vries and the Reception of the "Mutation Theory".Garland E. Allen - 1969 - Journal of the History of Biology 2 (1):55 - 87.
    De Vries' mutation theory has not stood the test of time. The supposed mutations of Oenothera were in reality complex recombination phenomena, ultimately explicable in Mendelian terms, while instances of large-scale mutations were found wanting in other species. By 1915 the mutation theory had begun to lose its grip on the biological community; by de Vries' death in 1935 it was almost completely abandoned. Yet, as we have seen, during the first decade of the present century it achieved an enormous (...)
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    The Thinking Muse: Feminism and Modern French Philosophy.Jeffner Allen, Iris Marion Young & Professor of Political Science Iris Marion Young - 1989
    "... some very serious critiques of French existential phenomenology and post-structuralism... the contributors offer some refreshingly new insights into some tried and 'true' philosophical texts and more recent works of literary theory." -- Philosophy and Literature "By bridging the gap between 'analytic' and 'continental' philosophy, the authors of The Thinking Muse: Feminism and the Modern French Philosophy largely overcome the cultural polarity between 'male thinker' and 'female muse'." -- Ethics "These engaging essays by American Feminists bring toether feminist philosophy, existential (...)
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    Studies in Plato's Metaphysics.R. Allen (ed.) - 1965 - Routledge.
    Did Plato abandon, or sharply modify, the Theory of Forms in later life? In the Phaedo, Symposium, and Republic it is generally agreed that Plato held that universals exist. But in Parmenides, he subjected that theory to criticism. If the criticism were valid, and Plato knew so, then the Parmenides marks a turning point in his thought. If, however, Plato became aware that there are radical differences in the logical behaviour of concepts, and the later dialogues are a record of (...)
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    List of Names.Basem Abdallah, Steven A. Abrams, Mark B. Adams, Ben Agger, Rüdiger Ahrens, Arnold Aletrino, Dante Alighieri, Edward D. Allen, Lindsay Allen & Jean AmØry - 2011 - In Brian Hurwitz & Paola Spinozzi, Discourses and Narrations in the Biosciences. V&R Unipress. pp. 287.
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    Social media analytics and research testbed (SMART): Exploring spatiotemporal patterns of human dynamics with geo-targeted social media messages.Su-Yeon Han, Jean Mark Gawron, Brian H. Spitzberg, Christopher Allen, Chin-Te Jung, Ming-Hsiang Tsou & Jiue-An Yang - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (1).
    The multilevel model of meme diffusion conceptualizes how mediated messages diffuse over time and space. As a pilot application of implementing the meme diffusion, we developed the social media analytics and research testbed to monitor Twitter messages and track the diffusion of information in and across different cities and geographic regions. Social media analytics and research testbed is an online geo-targeted search and analytics tool, including an automatic data processing procedure at the backend and an interactive frontend user interface. Social (...)
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    Transitional Subjects: Critical Theory and Object Relations.Amy Allen & Brian O'Connor (eds.) - 2019 - Columbia University Press.
    Critical social theory has long been marked by a deep, creative, and productive relationship with psychoanalysis. Whereas Freud and Fromm were important cornerstones for the early Frankfurt School, recent thinkers have drawn on the object-relations school of psychoanalysis. Transitional Subjects is the first book-length collection devoted to the engagement of critical theory with the work of Melanie Klein, Donald Winnicott, and other members of this school. Featuring contributions from some of the leading figures working in both of these fields, including (...)
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  48. Turning Back the Linguistic Turn in the Theory of Knowledge.Barry Allen - 2007 - Thesis Eleven 89 (1):6-22.
    The so-called linguistic turn in philosophy intensified (rather than overcame) the rationalism that has haunted Western ideas about knowledge since antiquity. Orthodox accounts continue to present knowledge as a linguistic, logical quality, expressed in statements or theories that are well justified by evidence and actually true. Restating themes from the author's Knowledge and Civilization (2004a), I introduce an alternative conception of knowledge designed to overcome these propositional, discursive, logocentric presumptions. I interpret knowledge as a quality of artifacts. A surgical operation (...)
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    Imprisonment in Classical Athens.Danielle Allen - 1997 - Classical Quarterly 47 (1):121-135.
    Nineteenth–century scholars assumed that the Athenians as a community punished citizens with death, exile,atimia, and fines and used imprisonment only to hold those awaiting trial, those awaiting execution, and those unable to pay fines.1As they saw it, brief imprisonment in the stocks occasionally supplemented these penalties, but always as additional penalty–never as a penalty on its own. Barkan saw in the use of imprisonment as an additional penalty the likelihood of general penal imprisonment and used evidence from the oratorical corpus (...)
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    The dark Arts of politics: Aesthetics and engineering in Nazism and Fascism.Jonathan Allen - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 41 (1):113-122.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Dark Arts of Politics:Aesthetics and Engineering in Nazism and FascismJonathan AllenThe Cult of Art in Nazi Germany, by Eric Michaud, translated by Janet Lloyd. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2004, 271 pp.Building Fascism, Communism, and Liberal Democracy: Gaetano Ciocca—Architect, Inventor, Farmer, Writer, Engineer, by Jeffrey T. Schnapp. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2004, 291 pp.Despite their obvious centrality to the history of the twentieth century, sixty years after the defeat (...)
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